This bibliography has been conceived in the context of the exhibition Le 3 ecologie curated by Caterina Riva, with the assistance of Marta Federici. The list of titles includes some of the texts that accompanied the realisation of the project, together with other reading suggestions proposed by the people that have been involved in the public program of the exhibition at MACTE.
The bibliography is imagined as a toolkit that will remain available to the public after the end of the exhibition, and is based on a form of sharing that nurtures the idea that books "make communities", as writer and theorist Sara Ahmed argues. The texts and voices here collected guide us through new and complex understandings of the ecological crises of the contemporary world.
Participants: Rita Elvira Adamo, Ilaria Bussoni, Ilenia Iengo, Ilaria Mazzoleni, Simona Squadrito, Miriam Tola, Elvira Vannini
Design: Sezione Grafica
Agarwal Bina, The Gender and the Environment Debate: Lessons from India, in «Feminist Studies 18», n.1, 1992, pp. 119-158
suggerito da Elvira Vannini
Allocca Daniela, Capone Nicola, Del Giudice Gaia, Ferrante Nina, Iengo Ilenia, Orlandini Giuseppe, Sciarelli Roberto, Valisena Daniele, Trame: pratiche e saperi per un’ecologia politica situata, Tamu Edizioni, Napoli 2021
suggerito da Ilenia Iengo
Andreozzi Matteo, Faralli Carla, Tiengo Adele (a cura di), Donne, Ambiente e Animali Non-Umani. Riflessioni Bioetiche al Femminile, LED Edizioni Universitarie, Milano 2014
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Bachtin Michail, Dostoevskij. Poetica e stilistica, Einaudi, Torino 1968 [Ed. orig. Проблемы поэтики Достоевского (trad. ita.: I Problemi della poetica di Dostoevskij), Khudozhestvennaja literatura, Mosca 1963]
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Barad Karen, Demos T.J., Di Chiro Giovanna, Gaard Greta, Haraway Donna, Latour Bruno, Moore Jason W., Morton Timothy, Earthbound. Superare l’Antropocene. 2° Edizione, KABUL edition, Torino 2021
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Bauer Dale M., McKinstry Susan Jaret, Feminism, Bakhtin, and the Dialogic, Suny Press, New York 1992
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Blumberg Mark S., Body Heat: Temperature and Life on Earth, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2002
suggerito da Ilaria Mazzoleni
Boetzkes Amanda, Plastic Capitalism: Contemporary Art and the Drive to Waste, The MIT Press, Cambridge 2019
Chang Alenda Y., Playing Nature. Ecology in Video Games, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis and London 2019
De Martino Ernesto, La Fine del Mondo. Contributo all’Analisi delle Apocalissi Culturali, Giulio Einaudi Editore, Torino 2019
Debaise Didier, Nature in the Act. The Lure of Possible, Duke University Press, Durham and London, 2017 [Ed. orig. L’appât des possibles – Reprise de Whitehead, Presses du Reel, Parigi 2015]
Federici Silvia, Reincantare il Mondo. Femminismi e Politica dei Commons, Ombre Corte, Verona 2018 [Ed. orig. Re-enchanting the World: Feminism and the Politics of the Commons, PM Press, Oakland, California 2018]
suggerito da Elvira Vannini
Fezer Jesko, Schmitz Martin (a cura di), Lucius Burckhardt Writings. Rethinking Man-made Environments, Springer-Verlag, Wien 2012
Flusser Vilém, Bec Louis, Vampyroteuthis Infernalis, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis 2012 (Ed. orig. Germania 1987)
suggerito da Rita Elvira Adamo
🔗 Fragnito Maddalena, Tola Miriam (a cura di), Ecologie della cura, Orthotes Editrice, Napoli e Salerno 2021
suggerito da Miriam Tola
Godfrey-Smith Peter, Altre menti. Il polpo, il mare e le remote origini della coscienza, Adelphi, Milano 2018 (Ed. orig. Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2016)
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Green Lesley, Contested Ecologies. Dialogue in the South on Nature and Knowledge, Human Sciences Research Council, Cape Town 2013
Griscom Joan L., On Healing the Nature/History Split in Feminist Thought, in «Heresies: A Feminist Publication on Art & Politics», n.13, 1981, pp. 4-9
suggerito da Elvira Vannini
Guattari Felix, Les trois écologies, Galilée, Parigi 1989
Haraway Donna, Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene, Duke University Press, Durham, NC 2016
suggerito da Ilenia Iengo
Hayden Dolores, The Grand Domestic Revolution, The MIT Press, Cambridge e Londra 1981
suggerito da Rita Elvira Adamo
Heather Davis, Turpin Etienne (edited by), Art in the Anthropocene. Encounters A mong Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies, Open Humanities Press, London 2015
Hölldobler Bert, Wilson Edward O., The Superorganism. The Beauty, Elegance, and Strangeness of Insect Societies, W.W. Norton, New York 2009
suggerito da Ilaria Mazzoleni
Holzhey Christoph F. E., Wedemeyer Arnd (edited by), Weathering. Ecologies of Exposure, ICI Berlin Press, Berlin 2020
hooks bell, Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center, South End Press, Boston 1984
suggerito da Rita Elvira Adamo
Kafer Alison, Feminist, Queer, Crip, Indiana University Press, Bloomington e Indianapolis 2013
suggerito da Ilenia Iengo
Kings A.E., Intersectionality and the Changing Face of Ecofeminism, in «Ethics and the Environment», n.22, 2017, pp. 63–87
suggerito da Elvira Vannini
Lippard Lucy R., Art within the Arctic Circle, «The Hudson Review», vol. 22, n. 4, 1969-1970, pp. 665-674
Mbembe Achille, Necropolitics, Duke University Press, Durham 2019 [Ed. orig. Politiques de l’inimitié, Editions La Découverte, Parigi 2016]
Mies Maria, Vandana Shiva, Ecofeminism, Zed Books, London 1993
Morton Timothy, Dark Ecology. For a Logic of Future Coexistence, Columbia University Press, New York 2016
Murray Schafer, The Soundscape. Our Sonic Environment and the Tuning of the World, Destiny Books, Rochester, Vermont 1994 [Ed. orig. The Tuning of the World, Knopf, New York 1977]
Neves Marques Pedro, The Forest and The School: Where to sit at the dinner table?, Archive Books, Berlino 2014
Nixon Rob, Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2011
Pellow David Naguib, What is Critical Environmental Justice?, Polity Press, Cambridge e Medford 2018
suggerito da Ilenia Iengo
Povinelli Elizabeth, Geontologies. A Requiem to Late Liberalism, Duke University Press, Durham 2016
Pulcini Elena, Contaminazione e vulnerabilità: il Sé nell’età globale, in Caporale Bizzini S., Richter Malabotta M. (a cura di), Soggetti itineranti. Donne alla ricerca del Sè, Alboversorio, Milano 2013
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Solà Irene, Io Canto e la Montagna Balla, Blackie Edizioni, [Ed. orig. Canto jo i la muntanya balla, Editorial Anagrama, Barcellona 2019]
Tsing Anna Lowenhaupt, Il fungo alla fine del mondo. La possibilità di vivere nelle rovine del capitalismo, Keller Editore, Rovereto 2021 (Ed. orig. The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ 2015)
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
Tuhiwai Smith Linda, Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, Zed Books, Londra 1999
suggerito da Rita Elvira Adamo
Viveiro De Castro Eduardo, The Relative Native. Essays on Indigenous Conceptual Worlds, Hau Books, Chicago 2015
Wallace-Wells David, The Uninhabitable Hearth. Life After Warming, Tim Duggan Books, New York 2019
Volosinov Valentin Nikolaevic, Bachtin Michail, Il linguaggio come pratica sociale, Edizioni Dedalo, Bari 1980
suggerito da Simona Squadrito
🔗 Nikole Hannah-Jones, What is Owed, «New York Times», 30 giugno 2020, disponibile online
suggerito da Miriam Tola
🔗 Ecological Reparations, Canale YouTube
suggerito da Miriam Tola
🔗 Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (OSEH) 2022: Welcome to the Anthropocene