Marco Lampis

Every Thursday from 11 to 25 July, once a week, we will publish online the three episodes of the audio descriptions Before the Eyes, made by artist Marco Lampis, invited by MACTE. With this sound project we would like to reach people that for a number of reasons cannot visit the museum or see through the eyes the exhibited works.

Before The Eyes offers a series of audio descriptions of contemporary art exhibitions realized by Marco Lampis, a visual and sound artist living in Brussels. His artistic research investigates how humans perceive reality, particularly delving into the relationship between sound and image.

The audio descriptions, in Italian and English, are available online on MACTE Digital and Spotify.

Conception and Sound Design: Marco Lampis

Text editing: Marta Federici, Caterina Riva

English translation: Anna Martinelli

Voices: Blanca Castro (IT), Diana Duta (ENG)

Recorded at Jambes, Brussels.

Before the Eyes – Marco Lampis
EPISODE 1 – Welcome Termoli and MACTE